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Welcome to Manhattan or Bronx
I hate you,still... .
Hello. Welcome to my blog. So on and so on. Blah.. blah.. blah... I am a friendly blogger who loves every single person so don't infuriate me or I will kick you to CAPE TOWN with my mighty-ass NEW YORK feet.

Me the Buffalo
Add your profile here.
I'm Syafiq Kechyk:) and I'm 12 going on 13 years old. I'm a short guy but WHATEVER. I love drawing.. etc., etc. So on and so on. Blah.. blah.. blah... And obviously I am crazy because I love to rock on here and rock on there. Did I mention that i hate rock? P.S THIS BLOG NO TAGBOX,SO I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH

Linking Rochester
Add your links here.
Aslin :)
Farah :)
Class of horny-ness '09
Elma :)
Amira :)
Aidy :o

Past Yonkers
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009

Syracuse Credits
Designer: RainbowPopcorn:D
Base codes: manikka
Resources: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hello there people of da' world
OK this is my new post. hey.
I saw this cake next to the blogger icon when i was logging in
So like,happy birthday? yea happy bdae.
OK this is just a short post.
To release my anger and express my happiness :)
It's ok if you dont want to read it because its about
America's Next Top Model!
OK,so i just watched the whole episode of Antm Cycle 13
Whole Episode as in episode 1 and 2.AHHHHH
SO Lisa got cut..sad sad
Because she just got in...
SO after lisa's elimination..
The girls are all around....
wadeverr,after lisas's elimination
There's this Episode 3 preview
It shows all the girls except Rachel
i really dont want her to go!
SO its like about 10:30
and guess what
Americas Next Top Model Cycle 12 is on Channel 5 !
OK bye guys, im gonna watch it

Friday, September 4, 2009
OK so i know like i never update in a LONG TIME...
but nobody care so HAHA.
this is my 25th POST.
wow..that's some SLOW progress.
OK so first start with lessons in the morning.
FIRST is CME,EL nth new
then its maths.have maths test. its so easy ;)
So after that have recess.
During recess,played sepak takraw.
but i know i weak in sepak takraw. *cry* *cry*
fuck. why CANT I play GOOD like the other guys
Like,Nizam threw the ball at me twice.i got none =.=
ok dont care,after that have the learning festival thing.
went to Home-Econs room
to do this wet paper sieve create cookie cutter thing?
hmm,at the room did i know that
_____ likes ____
and vice versa too,i guess
LOL,geeky <3
but still.....really? LOL
i cant believe it.
SO after learning festival finished.
oh yeah,it ended with the school nationals episode 4, WTF
So after school ended...
walked with Aniq to the sepak takraw court.
i saw this chinese guy play,and he's good. =.=
whatever... *@!$%
Then, i saw Iqbal EATING NOODLE.
sak arh,Iqbal tak puase.
stngh ary ape. LOL
ok then mdm sarinah come to us..
like the guys playing sepak takraw
and she saed, why are the malay boys still here,
what time is it?
go for your friday prayers
get out of the school..
blah blah
so went out of school with the guys
to a nearby sepak takraw court.
ya allah,banyak nyer pasal sepak takraw ary nyh!
OK so Aniq and Wan played sepak takraw i watched,counted the scores
the others were playing a card game.
but i dont care,cos' i dont know how to play the game.
So, went under a block Aniq and Wan wanted to play who can kick a trash can the most (?)
i blocked the ball if it went off or go behind
cos' like behind have this construction thing,and when it hits like noisy. =.=
cos' its metal. LOL (?)
For like the first few times i didnt catch the ball and noisy like fck.
Then like over time, im ok with blocking the ball...
but still take note. that does not improve my takraw skills =.=
but heyh,i still feel kinda good that i blocked the ball for some time.
ya know' this happy proud feeling..
ok ok after finish playing go back school.
Wan and they all go malay oral exam..HAHA
while Aniq and me go cook...
so this week we cook roasted chicken.wait we roast not cook yeah.
I grouped wif fizah since Gun Jun went with James,Clement and Yi Song
haiyo...brother.im not going to replace you larh.
think first.James and they all have 3 people.
me and fizah are considered 2 people...
So if you learn your ratio properly it would become this
NOT this
but nevermind..since you kind brother,you just go..
anjing si gemok tu sial.
Abeyh si _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tu
nak act sia aku cakap kat James,
eyh you got basil leaves.
abeyh si _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pandai-pandai cakap kat aku
go away laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
sape cakap dengan kau pukimaktiang.
atleast dier punye "best friend" tau la sape.
diam sikit.
ahh whatever fast forward,got 96/100
for the roast chicken.
GOD! stupid font color =.= so THICK gross.
so after Home-Econs
Aniq saed to me tht i couldnt catch the ball just now
nice job breaking my confidence in sepak takraw :) LOL
ahh after that go home,buy bubble tea with fizah,play laptop,eat
blogging listening to Don't stop believing by Journey
i know i listen to old songs but its nice,dok!

wee antm 12 is coming to channel 5 and alhamdullilah its EARLIER
And antm 13 is coming too but its gonna be on YouTube
cos' i dont have CWTV its an american channel.
WEE ok bye
wow,this has gotta be the longest post ive written.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Today is noobish.
first boring lessons...geography have test. kinda easy.
English was OK
but then have chairman thing...=.= a55
after eng recess,did nothing.=.=
after that is mother tongue...
if i dont ........................ then dont need to ................ lah.=.=
OK then its project work.
so we go to the lab. :)
Like..sat near to teacher sia
cos' siti and company
was siti-ng there :)
stupid yea.=.=
then have leadership
boring but ok..
Now at home...Do nothing stupid stuffs.
then someone at home noisy.
always cannot shut up.stupid
OKKKKKKK this is short post...=.=
bye (?)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
OMG! today was stupid and fun!
OK hmm,first have assembly
at school hall...
Talk about internet addiction things...like so boring
Like isn't everybody on the comp for more than 3 hrs a dae?
OK so after that no math lessons..
stayed in hall to play this PITCH thing...
Farah forced me to dedicate a song to her. =.=
song is BEP-I gotta feeling that this is kinda weird.
After that is English
Then MT,
Mr Ri2wan came...=.=
After that is History..yea got test..never learn
but kinda easy :)
After history TEST,have science TEST...OMG!
its a practical kinda test...FUNNNNN
SO,when i was doing the test,a teacher gave me some consent form thing
to go to bukit view sec....OMG PLEASE LAAAAA.
After science is HOME ECONNNNN.
first lesson for me..
I need to find group but turns out i was with gelvan and jedrick
Cooked Sutchi fillet...
teacher gave us 17 marks.
And like teacher gave gelvan a big fat ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
for something,but nt quite sure what.. T.T
OK after all that go home...:)

P.S basshunter is awesome.

Friday, August 21, 2009
AHH! Hello people...
I edited the post cos' i dont know why.
hmm ok,the day was pretty dull,boring and HORNY!!
first,first go to school
Mrs Lee never come,so another teacher came..if not wrong its ms geraldine?
so its kinda like 2 free periods..wee
was maths...ok
Recess...ahh recess
The horny-ing starts.
So on someone's(still need to put privacy right) phone
Have porn!
So Aniq(no privacy here :) ) steam!
And some other guys too.
HMMM, i dont know why but i dont like to see other guys steam
its weird (?)
skippity to end of school.
Stay back till 2.10
Take 985,
Go Home,
Meet Luqman at 6 for tuition stuffs and bought MR.MEN thing.
i got mr nosey. and little miss shy.
ugh..i want mr.small
soo...thats all i think........


Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Hello my people...if i have people (?)
So,today is 21st Post,somehow i'm not that lazy to blog anymore :)
OK OK today is Tuesday....nothing TOO interesting happened
first of first,went school
went to the CLASS
But turns out nobody was at class(except Ain)
As usual...
So assemble at parade square...
And then bla bla bla....happen
maths was first up....learnt gradient all that.
WOW,i didnt even talk to Miss Ong that whole 2 lessons
Meh,maybe its because ____________
Then it was English,
Pull-up bar...
Cool cos' we learnt about abortion
Sucking out the brain while still in the mother's uterus(?)or vagina
Not only that,we also learnt about breaking the baby into
tiny little pieces.vacuuming it into this vacuum thing
Wow,fascinating at first...
and still fascinating in the ends :)
So after ALL that...tiring yes
Play soccer with some topaz guys..
then the Opal guys and Sec 2 come
SO i cabot..with some others too. -.-
So finish playing,go home play laptop
Bathe,Eat,Watch Simpsons,Bathe,Laptop,Laptop,Laptop,
doing nothing boring....=.= already 11.01 pm...WOW
im blowing saliva bubbles now,Its so fun!
But too bad cant do it on puasa cos later i eat the saliva back in..

P.S 2 girls 1 cup. - its this video that has two girls......and a cup....ughh...too horrid too type.okok just imagine you poop in a cup,and another girl eats it.
She vomits on the pile of shyt,then both of you lick the shyt together..

Saturday, August 15, 2009
O.O yeah,20th post..
still its a few posts =.=
OK OK today like i'm gonna say abt yesterdae and todae?
SO yesterdae,fridae normal lessons.
CME was a FREE period as no teacher came into da' class.
Then its eng,Mrs Lee come...
Next,maths...learnt graph.but i alreadii knew so like
semangat (?)
Geog is after recess,i forgt what we learnt. =.=
Science is next,learn about THE porn chapter...cool though.
After school ended,
went to lot 1 to buy bubble tea...
p.s i forgot to bring kain,so i didnt go for sembahyang (lol?)
that's not the end of the day,still need to go back school
it's in 1 Emerald's class.
ok,so i did this photograph thing,like about chinese calligraphy thing..
And the reading part was about Japan
Hmm,thats weird.
but whatever :).
After oral ended at 3.15 ++
Went home with Aniq,
talk abt funny things....
And then went homeeeee.
wow,the today sign is kinda like the newspaper...=.=
OK,today is going to be short,bcos im blogging in the afternoon..
And its Saturday(BORING)
Just now,went to food lion buy stuffs.
and then went down again..just take something.
Then when i want to go back home...
i saw Marlyana(is it 2 n's?)
hell care.
So like i smiled at her..
She didn't smile at me back..
instead she gave me the "who the f**k are you" kinda look.
Haizz..ok its simple to write in malay now..
  • HAHA sorry non-malays ;)
alamak.aku senyum tk senyum balik kak?
oh, kau tk ingat aku ke?
Ah,agaknye la tuh.
Eh tak,kau MMG tak ingat aku laaa.sakit hati dok.
o.o aku tau kenape kau tk ingat aku.
sebabe dalam PRIMARY school ade ramaaaai budak yang rendah mcm aku kan?
aku pun mcm tk ingat kau lagy.
Sebab dalam secondary school aku ade alot of pompuan plus-sized.
